Tag Archives: tonino

HOD Chocolate

When it comes to hot chocolate I consider myself a connoisseur. There’s a whole cupboard in my kitchen dedicated to it. It’s filled with every hot chocolate mix I have ever come across from Prestat to Tonino Lamborghini. Yes Lamborghini make hot chocolate too (click here for more info).

hot chocolate cupboard

I even have a special hot chocolate mug. One that’s not too big and not too small but juuuuuuust right! Say hello to my Goldichoc mug.

bourbon mug chocolate

I recently came across these stir in hot chocolates from House of Dorchester (HOD) which surprisingly I hadn’t tried before and since my supplies were dwindling I quickly re-stocked.

HOD stir in hot chocoaltehouse of dorchester

They were so easy to make. Just pop a mug full of milk into the microwave for 2 minutes and stick your spoon in. Couldn’t be simpler.

house of dorchester hot choc melting hot chocolate

chocolate on a spoon

My favourite was a toss up between the sea salt caramel and the chocolate fudge. The mini marshmallow option unfortunately contains pork gelatine but that didn’t stop me adding my own.

hot chocolate

marshmallows and cream bourbon cream mug

Perfect for breakfast on a rainy morning,

melting hot choc

as a nightcap on a rainy evening,

rainy evening hot chocolate

Luckily we get a lot of rain in this country. Oh and don’t forget at Christmas,

christmas hot chocolate