The Really Good Deal Fashion Sale

Now I’m not sure if this was the correct thing to do or if I may even be doing something illegal. A postcard came through the door for a former tenant. It was an invitation to a really good fashion show in Ascot. My first crime was opening/reading someone else’s mail. My second crime was to use the VIP ticket to check out the exhibition.

What I think is Ascot racecourse

Bags (the italian leather handbags were going down a treat)

Coats (and other furs)


I thought this stand was really cool. All the dresses above are the same thing but just wrapped differently. You can find your Mixi dress here

And other bits and bobs

I even got my boots polished at a leather cleaning stall and my nail done at one of the stands selling these tweezers

Let me show you what I bought

A belt made from bottletops. They also make all sorts of bags from bottletops too. Get yours here

I finished off my trip with a quick sightseeing drive through Ascot town centre

If you want to check out your local really Good fashion sale have a look at their website

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