How Do You Shop?

I don’t really like clothes shopping and would much rather be seen in Tesco than Topshop. So I need all the help I can get when it comes to finding something to where. Usually that help comes in the form of my sister (I’ve mentioned her a lot this past week) however, now that I’ve moved away from home she’s not always on hand to ask for her opinion.

Instead I have taken to clipping pictures of items or whole outfits from magazines and then going to the shops to get them or ordering them online. My go-to magazine is Look as they regularly put whole outfits together so I can quite literally copy and paste. Of late my sister (another mention) has been concentrating her magazine fund on Grazia which is great for a high end look but I need a little more creativity in putting outfits together.

how do you shop

clippings of outfits

karl lagerfeld

I even have a special moleskin notebook for the clippings. It’s sort of like putting together my own catalogue and I get to use prit stick which takes me feel like a kid again. moleskin birdie bell moleskin fashion notebook

kate moss always in season maxis

Guess who bought me the notebook… yup, my sister!

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