Tag Archives: atkins

Bresaola Cups (Low Carb Recipe)

It seems I’m not the only fan of packed lunches in the office. I put it down to the appalling, ceaseless rain making lunchbags the hottest thing in the office playground right now. Mine is bright green.

There’s something deliciously comforting about knowing lunch is already waiting for you. Just sitting there, whispering to you from the fridge.

I’m also a fan of spending as long as humanly possible in bed come sunrise so lunch prep usually starts the night before. That’s not good news for sandwiches. Thankfully a batch of these meaty Italian stallions can be made the night before and their structural integrity lasts all night (or week) long.bresaola cups

bresaola cups muffin topped eggmuffin bresaola cups for lunchOk so you’ll need:

  • Bresaola slices
  • Spinach
  • Salami (cubed)
  • Eggs

bresaola cup ingredients

Line a muffin tray with your bresaola slices. Don’t worry about the gaps as you can use the spinach to block these.bresaola and spinach cup holder

spinach and bresaola cup holder Then pile in as much cubed salami as possible…..salami and spinach muffin

salami and spinach…leaving enough room for an egg.

bresaola cups uncooked

Then bake at 160C for 20-30 minutes depending on how you like your eggs.         bresaola cups with salami and egg perfect egg cup egg white cups bresaola cups bresaola cups